Monday, May 27, 2013

Dear Readers

Dear readers,
Today is the day to thank you for the wonderful impact you have had on my life. I started this blog a few years ago with zero followers and no idea what exactly I would write about. But this space has evolved in many ways, from look to content, to who I am as a person. As I grow and change, so does this little corner of the internet. It's a place where I try to honestly voice who I am, what I love, and the kind of person I want to be. I want to share the wonderful things in life with you through my eyes. I've learned that the things in life that you should share are not always big. 
Though we have some big moments in our lifetime, most of the living we do is though the little moments. The day to day things that we so often take for granted define us and who we are. How we live our everyday lives leads us to the big moments. If you think about it, those life changing moments are preceded by innumerable little moments that escape without much notice, but had those moments not happened the way they did, we might be in a very different place. 
So, that's what I try to capture, though my words and photos on this little space. The big moments and little moments alike. Because life is made of up of everything from the everyday to the extraordinary. I still try to find the beauty of the little things in my life every day, though sometimes it's easier than others. I want people to realize it's not living a lavish lifestyle with unimaginable experiences that make an extraordinary life. Sometimes the things I share, I wonder who even cares? Most people probably wouldn't, but you, dear readers, never disappoint. You leave me comments and emails that brighten my day and sometimes catch me off guard. I'm so glad I have this space to connect and learn from my readers. 
So thank you, to each and every one of you, for stopping by and reading my nonsense from day to day. Even if you don't comment or email, I see the visits and know that I have a loyal little group of readers. You make me smile every day, and I hope I can make you smile a little bit too. 
Sending lots of love,

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