Thursday, October 10, 2013


Greenwich is one of my favorite corners of NYC. It is so full of charm. Endless window boxes of flowers. Bicycles against street posts. Overflowing ivy. And an abundance of bright red doors.

{Side note: I'm a sucker for a bright red door. I will have one at some point in my life. Standby for pictures approximately three {?} years from now. }

 So naturally, this past Sunday after brunching was complete, we happened to make our way towards this wonderful little nook of amazingness.

My darling friend introduced me to Greenwich Letterpress whilst I was in the big city a few months ago. Now it's a favorite stop when I happen to show up at her doorstep - good friend that she is, she takes me in without question.

You guys/girls. This store is one of the cutest, happiest little sellers of fine stationary I've ever had the pleasure of visiting. And I've frequented many a paper store in my lifetime. Don't open the bottom door of my desk, or you might not be found under the piles of greeting cards and stationary. Warm and happy places like this make me feel like I'm miles away from the rest of the world.

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