Friday, November 29, 2013

Post Thanksgiving Thanks

Happy Day-After-Thanksgiving. 

I like to call it Recovery Friday.

And by recovery, I mean lay on the couch, watch Christmas movies, and continue to scarf down leftover turkey/stuffing/mashed potatoes.

As I continue to indulge in gluttony and holiday cheer, I found myself thinking about all the good things in my life. And, boy, do I have a lot of greatness going on right now. When I stop and hit the pause button every once in a while, I am honestly so overwhelmed by the countless blessing in my life. 

Allow me to highlight a few:

My truly wonderful parents. How I lucked out in the parent jackpot, I'm not sure. My mother and father are two of the most humble and selfless people I've ever met. The do so much good for so many people and show so much love...yet they never think they are doing enough. I hope I inherited even a faction of their goodness.

My little brother. I'm so incredibly proud of him. It was the first Thanksgiving of my life that he wasn't at the table laughing and enjoying a few bottles glasses of wine with me. I was a little teary early in the week thinking of my little brother being overseas this year, but a Skype call from him last night was the highlight of my day week month.

My dear friends. Though most of them are thousands of miles away, they are the best friends a gal could ask for. As I've said before, I think the true definition of friendship is being able to go eons without seeing each other, but your conversation picks up right where it left off months ago as if no time had passed at all. I'm so blessed to have been able to spend so much time traveling to see these beauties over the last few months.

My career. I stumbled into it two years ago, and let me tell you, God knew what he was doing when he put me in the right place at the right time. It's been a crazy few years of long hours and learning, but I wouldn't have it any other way. 

New experiences. It's not secret that I like change and a busy schedule. The last year has brought so many new and exciting adventures my way. Some I never expected, others I had been dreaming about for a while. I hope life keeps bringing these opportunities in leaps and bounds.

That was a little bit long winded. But those little words are only a small fraction of how much thanks I have in my heart for this beautiful life I've been given.

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving, and Happy Hanukkah to those of you celebrating! It truly is the best time of the year.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Sunday Currently

I keep saying it, but really, where does the time go? I keep thinking things that happened last month were just last weekend. And the last two weeks have been a complete blur. People often say that time passes much faster as you get older. I couldn't agree more with that sentiment. 

As I catch up on life {and time zones}, I thought I'd join in the Sunday Currently fun with Lauren.

{Sunset over Greenvale Vineyards a few weeks ago}

Reading...through about two tons of mail that is still delivered to my parents house. Sorry, Mom and Dad.

Writing...addresses on postcards I forgot to send from the Grand Canyon last weekend. Oops. The Holiday in the background. Hands down, this is one of my all time favorite movies. I will probably watch it at least twice a week until the end of January. I wish this was a joke. 

Thinking...I need to unpack the massive suitcase and two large duffle bags that I have been living out of for the last few weeks.

Smelling...pine needles and evergreen. I took a wreath making class with my Mom today, and now my whole apartment smells like Christmas. I don't hate it.

Wishing...that my brother could be home for the holidays. Having him overseas this time of year straight-up sucks. The end.

Hoping...that work goes by quietly and quickly tomorrow and Tuesday. I'm ready to get back to Massachusetts for some darn good food and laughs with my crazy family.

Wearing...PJs. Another pair of turquoise and black fair isle leggings found their way into my bureau, and they have been keeping me warm since my return from the Arizona desert on Thursday. The high today was 26 F with a steady windchill of 5 F. I love New England, but I'm not cut out for the cold weather. glass(es) of Rhode Island Red from Carolyn's Sakonnet Vineyards. There's something about a glass of red that warms up the soul on cold nights, don't you think? go somewhere warm over the Christmas holiday. I have almost three weeks off, and I can't help but feel somewhere tropical is calling my name.

Needing...more sleep. I've slept at least twelve hours for the last three nights (unheard of in these parts!) with multiple naps thrown in for good measure. I've slept more in the last three days than I had in the last three weeks combined...yet somehow, my body is still craving more shut eye. Perhaps it's a good thing that I'm already in my PJs at 7:45 PM. 

Feeling...incredibly thankful. The last few months have been insane/amazing with only a few minutes to pause here and there. But the craziness has been so full of love, friends, family, and new experiences. I wouldn't have it any other way. How I am blessed enough to have this life, I will never know. 

Clicking...through my Pinterest boards. Finally sorting through all my pins to make sure they are properly linked.


Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Vines of Fall

Fall was showing off a few weeks ago...or perhaps it was its last hurrah. We have snowflakes dotting the sky this morning, but my mind is wishing we could have sunny {warm-ish} days full of light and bright colors. 

It was the last summer farmers' market at Newport Vineyards several Saturdays ago, and it was the perfect day to end the "warm" months before the winter market begins. After shopping around the market, wandering through the vineyard seemed like a good choice for this gorgeous day.

I never realized how brilliantly colored vine leaves become! The gold and yellow of some of the vines was dazzling! I wish I knew more about grapes so I could impress you with that particular variety's name, but alas, all I know is some leaves were still green and some were still gold. Perhaps I will go back one weekend and ask for a lesson in viticulture :)

Also, my friend introduced me to this scratch and sniff wine book over the weekend. Personally, I think this might be the best book ever written about wine. Especially for a wine expert like myself who judges wine by drinkable vs. undrinkable. For the record, there have only been two wines in the undrinkable category in my life. Wine snob, I am not.

Happy Tuesday!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Makes Me Want to Take a Back Road

I made an impromptu visit to my parents' this past weekend. Just because I missed being home. I had told myself that I was tired of all the traveling I've done in the last two months, which meant I was going to stay put in Newport this weekend. But sometimes a gal wants to see her mom and dad {and puppy}. 

 When I'm at home, my mother and I often take long walks around the backroads surrounding our house. It's a time for us to catch up, talk about life, and laugh all while climbing the hills and dodging speeding cars out for an early morning drive. Pepper has started joining us for girl-time walks {I never knew our bow-legged puppy was such a little athlete}.These little adventures are one of my favorite things about being home.

The beautiful foliage this time of year doesn't hurt either.

New England, I love you.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

The Sunday Currently

Oh, weekend, why must you come to an end. An extra hour of sleep, yet I still feel like I could spend a solid day curled up under the covers reading and drinking peppermint mochas. The fact that there were stray snowflakes both in Rhode Island and Massachusetts today does not help my desire to retreat under a pile of blankets.

I thought I'd join in on The Sunday Currently fun with Lauren :)

Reading...about the Grand Canyon. I will be making a little trek there in two weeks. Another item to knock off my bucket list!

Writing...snail mail to some long-lost friends. Not really long-lost, just I-haven't-seen-them-in-a-looooooong-time friends. the Patriots/Steelers game. I look up to watch when the commentators start getting excited voices. 

Thinking...whoever said a bottle of wine yields four glasses is a big, fat liar. Three. Tops.

Smelling...veggies roasting in the oven. After visiting the farmers' market again yesterday morning, I stocked up on veggies for the week. I wanted to try cooking them in a new way, so I'm trying three different recipes for roasting. So far, I think I have made the best roasted carrots in the history of ever and some damn good spicy broccoli. We'll see how the garlic roasted potatoes come out. 

Wishing...that time would simultaneously slow down and speed up. I have so much I'm looking forward to in the next few months, but I've been SO enjoying life as it is right now. I wish there was more time to soak in the happy things in life.

Hoping...the weather stays as perfect as it has been for the next few weeks. Temps in the high 50s and gloriously is this not everyone's favorite time of year?
Wearing...Fair Isle leggings and an oversized chambray shirt. Leggings and oversized sweaters/shirts have been my weekend uniform of late. I don't hate it. Stretchy waistbands for the win. OSU snuggie. One of the best Christmas presents ever {thanks, Santa}. It is singlehandedly preventing me from turning on my heat. I have a goal that I won't turn it on until November 1st - we'll see if I can make it through the week. Oil bills {heating a 100+ year old house} are for the birds.

Wanting...a red flannel shirt. Cozy. Slightly oversized. Soft. Finding a woman's flannel shirt for the fall/winter months is proving the be much harder than I ever expected. I think L.L.Bean may have saved the day, as I just ordered this bad boy. Hopefully it will fulfill my flannel dreams.

Needing...more sleep. I bounce between weeks of insomnia to a few days where I can't get enough sleep, which means I can be found in bed before 9 PM and sleeping until the last possible second {i.e. this weekend. I was shamelessly in bed watching Pride and Prejudice on Friday night at 8:30}.

Feeling...positively content and happy. The crisp fall air has me all sorts of giddy. Plus I've had four of the last five weekends spent with my darling friends in four lovely places. Since we all live across the country from each other, I'm on cloud nine in the friend-time department. And another dear friend will visit in two weeks. Heaven!

Clicking...Love and Lemons. They have the most delicious, colorful recipes. After browsing their page for a few minutes, I always feel so inspired to my my own healthy, beautiful meals.

Friday, November 1, 2013

A Neighborhood Stroll

We have been blessed with absolutely gorgeous fall weather in Newport. 

Absolute perfection. 

After nearly two solid months of only being in Rhode Island during part of the work week and a few hours here and there on weekend, I was so thankful to spend last weekend at my home here. Newport is full of so much beauty, and I'm lucky enough to live in the middle of it all. 

Last Sunday turned into a stunning autumn afternoon - so full of color and sunlight. I spent a few hours wandering around my neighborhood and exploring little side streets that oftentimes led me in circles or nowhere at all. It was one of those days where the only thought that occupies your mind is how blessed you are to be alive and enjoying such dreamy day. 

If only I could freeze time and live most of my life in sunny, autumn days.

Here's to hoping this weekend will allow for some more adventuring and sunshine. Happy Friday!