Happy Day-After-Thanksgiving.
I like to call it Recovery Friday.
And by recovery, I mean lay on the couch, watch Christmas movies, and continue to scarf down leftover turkey/stuffing/mashed potatoes.
As I continue to indulge in gluttony and holiday cheer, I found myself thinking about all the good things in my life. And, boy, do I have a lot of greatness going on right now. When I stop and hit the pause button every once in a while, I am honestly so overwhelmed by the countless blessing in my life.
Allow me to highlight a few:
My truly wonderful parents. How I lucked out in the parent jackpot, I'm not sure. My mother and father are two of the most humble and selfless people I've ever met. The do so much good for so many people and show so much love...yet they never think they are doing enough. I hope I inherited even a faction of their goodness.
My little brother. I'm so incredibly proud of him. It was the first Thanksgiving of my life that he wasn't at the table laughing and enjoying a few bottles glasses of wine with me. I was a little teary early in the week thinking of my little brother being overseas this year, but a Skype call from him last night was the highlight of my day week month.
My dear friends. Though most of them are thousands of miles away, they are the best friends a gal could ask for. As I've said before, I think the true definition of friendship is being able to go eons without seeing each other, but your conversation picks up right where it left off months ago as if no time had passed at all. I'm so blessed to have been able to spend so much time traveling to see these beauties over the last few months.
My career. I stumbled into it two years ago, and let me tell you, God knew what he was doing when he put me in the right place at the right time. It's been a crazy few years of long hours and learning, but I wouldn't have it any other way.
New experiences. It's not secret that I like change and a busy schedule. The last year has brought so many new and exciting adventures my way. Some I never expected, others I had been dreaming about for a while. I hope life keeps bringing these opportunities in leaps and bounds.
That was a little bit long winded. But those little words are only a small fraction of how much thanks I have in my heart for this beautiful life I've been given.
I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving, and Happy Hanukkah to those of you celebrating! It truly is the best time of the year.